This Quinoa Porridge is packed with super seeds like chia, hemp, and flax seeds. It’s the perfect recipe for meal prep if you want a high fiber, protein, and antioxidant-rich grab-and-go morning boost! (This recipe is vegan, grain-free, gluten-free)

a mason jar filled with raspberry quinoa porridge next to a jar filled with apple cinnamon quinoa porridge

This Quinoa Porridge is a part of my Grain-Free Series, where I share grain-free recipes to eat for a month to help boost gut health. There is nothing more that I love than a nutrient-dense breakfast, especially one packed with fiber and protein! This Overnight Quinoa Porridge fits the bill, providing ~12 grams of fiber and 24 grams of protein per serving.

three mason jars filled with cooked quinoa chia seeds ground flaxseeds and hemp seeds
Jars filled with Cooked Quinoa, Ground Flaxseeds, Hemp Seeds, and Chia Seeds

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • Organic Quinoa: Use tri-colored or white quinoa. Just make sure to use organic to avoid pesky pesticides like glyphosate, which are commonly sprayed on oats. You’ll need one cup of raw quinoa which should make 3 cups once cooked –enough for 3 meal prepped porridge bowls.
  • Milk Of Choice: I like to use Non-dairy. My preference is almond milk
  • Flaxseeds, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds: Each is a super seed and high in fiber, omega-3s, and minerals!
  • Maple Syrup + Vanilla Extract: Use pure maple syrup to sweeten your porridge. You can also use honey, agave, or omit the sweetener.
  • Yogurt, optional: You can add yogurt to the base of the porridge, on top, or both. Use vegan yogurt like Foragers Cashewmilk Yogurt to keep this recipe vegan-friendly.
three mason jars filled with ingredients to make overnight quinoa porridge

Quinoa Porridge 3-ways | Optional Add-ins

  • APPLE CINNAMON: Add sauteed apples with cinnamon to the base and add walnuts on top. Making the sauteed apples is easy. Here’s how I make my sauteed apples.
  • CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY: Add dollops of raspberry chia jam to the quinoa porridge, along with cacao nibs (or chocolate chips). Top with more raspberries and cacao nibs.
  • BLUEBERRY ALMOND: Add fresh or frozen blueberries to the base, about 1/3 cup and add a tablespoon or two of almond butter. Top the quinoa pudding with more blueberries and some almonds.
three mason jars filled with ingredients to make overnight quinoa porridge

How To Cook Quinoa

The Ratio of Water To Quinoa is 2:1. So, 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of raw quinoa.

To cook quinoa, rinse it thoroughly in a fine mesh sieve under cold water. Then, combine 1 part quinoa with 2 parts water or broth in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed and the quinoa is tender. Fluff with a fork and enjoy!

When cooked, quinoa expands roughly threefold. This means that 1 cup of dry quinoa will yield approximately 3 cups of cooked quinoa.

a mason jar filled with raspberry quinoa porridge next to a jar filled with apple cinnamon quinoa porridge
Chocolate Raspberry Quinoa Porridge and Apple Cinnamon Quinoa Porridge

Watch this video to see just how easy it is to make Overnight Quinoa Porridge!

YouTube video
Video Overview of How To Make Overnight Quinoa Porridge

How To Store Your Quinoa Porridge

Add the ingredients into individual portion-sized mason jars. (Check out my Amazon storefront to snag the super cute jars I use.) Then, store in the fridge for at least 2 hours before enjoying.

The quinoa porridge lasts in the fridge for 3-5 days and you can eat it right out of the jar!

three mason jars filled with ingredients to make overnight quinoa porridge
three mason jars filled with ingredients to make overnight quinoa porridge

Overnight Quinoa Porridge -3 Ways

This Quinoa Porridge is packed with super seeds like chia, hemp, and flax seeds. It's the perfect recipe for meal prep if you want a high fiber, protein, and antioxidant-rich grab-and-go morning boost!
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Course: Breakfast, Meal Prep, Snack
Cuisine: American, Grain-Free, Healthy Options
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 3
Calories: 598kcal
Author: Capri Lilly


Base Per Jar

  • 1 cup Cooked Organic Quinoa
  • 2/3 cup Non-Dairy Milk of Choice
  • 1 tablespoon Ground Flax Seeds
  • 1.5 tablespoons Chia Seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Hemp Seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Pure Maple Syrup, or to taste optional
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

Optional Add-ins

  • 1/3 cup Yogurt of choice (vegan or regular)
  • 2 tablespoons Almond Butter (or nut/seed butter of choice)
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

Blueberry Almond Quinoa Porridge

  • 1/3 cup Frozen or Fresh Blueberries, plus more for topping
  • 2 tablespoons Almond Butter
  • Sliced or Whole Almond, for topping

Apple Cinnamon Quinoa Porridge

Chocolate Rasberry

  • 1/4 cup Raspberry Chia Jam
  • 1 tablespoon Cacao Nibs or Chocolate chips, plus more for topping
  • Fresh or frozen raspberries for topping


  • Add the ingredients for the quinoa porridge base to a mason jar. Then, add your desired mix-ins. Give everything a good stir.
  • Top with yogurt or desired toppings. Then, transfer to the fridge for at least two hours. Enjoy for breakfast or a snack!
    Quinoa porridge typically lasts for about 3-5 days when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


1 cup of raw quinoa when cooked will make 3 cups of cooked quinoa, which is enough to make 3 servings. (Feel free to double or triple the recipe as desired)
**Make sure your quinoa cools completely before making the bowls. offers nutritional information for recipes contained on this site. This information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. To obtain the most accurate representation of the nutritional information in any given recipe, you should calculate the nutritional information with the actual ingredients you used to make the recipe. For more information read our Nutritional Disclaimer.


Serving: 1mason jar | Calories: 598kcal | Carbohydrates: 140g | Protein: 28.3g | Fat: 24g | Saturated Fat: 6.2g | Sodium: 133mg | Potassium: 245mg | Fiber: 12g | Sugar: 18.5g | Calcium: 325mg | Iron: 8mg

After giving the recipe a whirl, don’t forget to give it a rating and drop me a line in the comments section! Share your quick review and star rating ★ below—it’s like a high-five for your taste buds! 🙌 Snap some pics, tag #goodfoodbaddie, and share on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!

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